Mechanical and Materials Collection 2 CD
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ALCOCK, C. B. (2000). Thermochemical Processes - Principles and Models Thermochemical_Processes.pdf 2021046
ASHBY, M. F. (1998). Engineering Materials (2nd ed.) (2 vols.)/Volume 1
- An Introduction to their Properties and Applications
Engineering_Materials_2E_VOLUME1.pdf 13852322
ASHBY, M. F. (1998). Engineering Materials (2nd ed.) (2 vols.)/Volume 2
- An Introduction to Microstructures, Processing and Design
Engineering_Materials_2E_VOLUME2.pdf 12052918
ASHBY, M. F. (2000). Metal Foams - A Design Guide Metal_Foams.pdf 4331242
BACHUS, L. (2003). Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps Know_and_Understand_Centrifugal_Pumps.pdf 8129200
BAI, Y. (2003). Marine Structural Design Marine_Structural_Design.pdf 14776644
BAKER, A. A. (2002). Advances in the Bonded Composite Repair of
Metallic Aircraft Structure (2 vols.)
Advances_Repair_Metallic_Aircraft_Structure_VOLUME1.pdf 14745230
BAKER, A. A. (2002). Advances in the Bonded Composite Repair of
Metallic Aircraft Structure (2 vols.)
Advances_Repair_Metallic_Aircraft_Structure_VOLUME2.pdf 15016258
BERTRAM, V. (2000). Practical Ship Hydrodynamics Practical_Ship_Hydrodynamics.pdf 2307142
BIRD, J. (2003). Engineering Mathematics (4th ed.) Engineering_Mathematics_4E.pdf 4949257
BLAZEK, J. (2001). Computational Fluid Dynamics - Principles and Applications BLAZEK_Computational_Fluid_Dynamics.pdf 12006916
BLOCH, H. P. (1990). Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair (2nd ed.) Machinery_Component_Maintenance_2E.pdf 14707675
BLOCH, H. P. (1996). Major Process Equipment Maintenance and Repair (2nd ed.) Practical_Machinery_Management_2E.pdf 20282256
BLOCH, H. P. (1998). Improving Machinery Reliability (3rd ed.) Improving_Machinery_Reliability_3E.pdf 20008299
BONNICK, A. W. M. (2001). Automotive Computer Controlled Systems -
Diagnostic Tools and Techniques
Automotive_Computer_Controlled_Systems.pdf 7054772
BOOKER, J. D. (2001). Designing Capable and Reliable Products Designing_Capable_and_Reliable_Products.pdf 18430414
BOYCE, M. P. (2001). Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook (2nd ed.) Gas_Turbine_Engineering_Handbook_2E.pdf 10845891
BRAMWELL, A. R. S. (2001). Bramwell's Helicopter Dynamics (2nd ed.) BRAMWELL_Helicopter_Dynamics_2E.pdf 5722593
BRANDES, E. A. (1992). Smithells Metals Reference Book (7th ed.) Smithells_Metals_Reference_Book_7E.rar 29964954
BRANDES, E. A. (1998). Smithells Light Metals Handbook Smithells_Light_Metals_Handbook.pdf 1850070
BROWN, J. R. (1999). Foseco Non-Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook (11th
ed.) Foseco_Non-Ferrous_Foundryman's_Handbook_11E.pdf 8078126
BROWN, J. R. (2000). Foseco Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook Foseco_Ferrous_Foundryman's_Handbook.pdf 4353593
BRUNDLE, C. R. (1992). Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization -
Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films
Encyclopedia_of_Materials_Characterization.pdf 20452194
BRYDSON, J. A. (1999). Plastics Materials (7th ed.) Plastics_Materials_7E.pdf 50312959
BURCHELL, T. D. (1999). Carbon Materials for Advanced Technologies Carbon_Materials_for_Advanced_Technologies.pdf 14734488
BUTLER, D. (2000). Guide to Ship Repair Estimates - In Man-Hours Guide_to_Ship_Repair_Estimates.pdf 1063141
CAHN, R. W. (1996). Physical Metallurgy (4th ed.) (3 vols.) Physical_Metallurgy_4E_VOLUME1.rar 20107355
CAHN, R. W. (1996). Physical Metallurgy (4th ed.) (3 vols.) Physical_Metallurgy_4E_VOLUME2.rar 19030323
CAHN, R. W. (1996). Physical Metallurgy (4th ed.) (3 vols.) Physical_Metallurgy_4E_VOLUME3.rar 20635291
CAHN, R. W. (2001). The Coming of Materials Science The_Coming_of_Materials_Science.pdf 14712795
CAMPBELL, B. A. (1996). Introduction to Space Sciences and Spacecraft
Applications Intro_to_Space_Sciences_Spacecraft_Applications.pdf 5837763
CAMPBELL, J. (2003). Castings - The New Metallurgy of Cast Metals (2nd ed.) Castings_2E.pdf 12156641
CARPINTERI, A. (2003). Biaxial-Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture Biaxial_Multiaxial_Fatigue_and_Fracture.pdf 14766468
CARSON, P. (2002). Hazardous Chemicals Handbook (2nd ed.) Hazardous_Chemicals_Handbook_2E.pdf 2530016
CARVILL, J. (1993). Mechanical Engineer's Data Handbook Mechanical_Engineers_Data_Handbook.pdf 14979729
CHILDS, T. (2000). Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Metal_Machining.pdf 2975032
COCKCROFT, A. N. (2004). A Guide to the Collision Avoidance Rules (6th ed.) Collision_Avoidance_Rules_Guide_6E.pdf 4969171
CRAWFORD, R. J. (1998). Plastics Engineering (3rd ed.) Plastics_Engineering_3E.pdf 23049366
DERRETT, D. R. (1999). Ship Stability for Masters and Mates (5th ed.) Ship_Stability_for_Masters_and_Mates_5E.pdf 5976671
DIXON, S. L. (1998). Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery
(4th ed.) Fluid_Mechanics_and_Thermodynamics_of_Turbomachinery_4E.pdf
ELICES M. (2002). Fiber Fracture Fiber_Fracture.pdf 11396610
ENDO, M. (1996). Carbon Nanotubes Carbon_Nanotubes.pdf 8382525
EYRES, D. J. (2001). Ship Construction (5th ed.) Ship_Construction_5E.pdf 17982652
GARRETT, T. K. (2001). The Motor Vehicle (13th ed.) The_Motor_Vehicle_13E.pdf 19879099
HALEVI, G. (2001). Handbook of Production Management Methods Handbook_of_Production_Management_Methods.pdf 17105954
HEISLER, H. (2002). Advanced Vehicle Technology (2nd ed.) Advanced_Vehicle_Technology_2E.pdf 8760476
HODKINSON, R. (2001). Lightweight Electric Hybrid Vehicle Design Lightweight_Electric_Hybrid_Vehicle_Design.pdf 8878614
HORLOCK, J. H. (2003). Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles Advanced_Gas_Turbine_Cycles.pdf 5285134
HOUGHTON, E. L. (2002). Aerodynamics for Engineering Students (5th ed.) Aerodynamics_for_Engineering_Students_5E.pdf 16575685
HOUSE, D. J. (2001). Seamanship Techniques (2nd ed.) Seamanship_Techniques_2E.pdf 22475254
HOYLE, D. (2000). Automotive Quality Systems Handbook Automotive_Quality_Systems_Handbook.pdf 2948822
HOYLE, D. (2001). ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook (4th ed.) ISO_9000_Quality_Systems_Handbook_4E.pdf 3379509
HOYLE, D. (2003). ISO 9000_ 2000 - An A-Z Guide ISO_9000'2000_An_A-Z_Guide.pdf 1134100
HUDSON, J. A. (2000). Engineering Rock Mechanics (2 vols.)/Part 1 - An
Introduction to the Principles Engineering_Rock_Mechanics_VOLUME1.pdf
HUDSON, J. A. (2000). Engineering Rock Mechanics (2 vols.)/Part 2 -
Illustrative Worked Examples Engineering_Rock_Mechanics_VOLUME2.pdf
JENKINSON, L. R. (2003). Aircraft Design Projects for Engineering Students Aircraft_Design_Projects.pdf 2556382
JONES, D. R. H. (2001). Failure Analysis Case Studies II Failure_Analysis_Case_Studies_II.pdf 12783039
JUDD, S. (2003). Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and
Re-Use Membranes_for_Industrial_Wastewater_Recovery.pdf 8829837
KIM, J.-K. (1998). Engineered Interfaces in Fiber Reinforced Composites
Engineered_Interfaces_in_Fiber_Reinforced_Composites.pdf 11007783
KING, R. P. (2002). Introduction to Practical Fluid Flow Intro_to_Practical_Fluid_Flow.pdf 4082998
KUNDU, P. K. (2001). Fluid Mechanics (2nd ed.) KUNDU_Fluid_Mechanics_2E.pdf 29839448
CD 2
LAI, W. M. (1993). Introduction to Continuum Mechanics (3rd ed.)
LESTER, A. (2003). Project Planning and Control (4th ed.)
LIENGME, B. V. (2002). A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2002 for Scientists and Engineers (3rd ed.)
MARCINIAK, Z. (2002). Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming (2nd ed.)
MARGHITU, D. B. (2001). Mechanical Engineer's Handbook
MATTHEWS, C. (2001). Aeronautical Engineer's Data Book
MCFARLANE, B. (2002). Beginning AutoCAD 2002
MCFARLANE, B. (2002). Modelling with AutoCAD 2002
MCGEORGE, H. D. (1995). Marine Auxiliary Machinery (7th ed.)
MEGSON, T. H. G. (1999). Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (3rd ed.)
MERCER, R. B. (2001). Industrial Control Wiring Guide (2nd ed.)
MOBLEY, R. K. (1999). Root Cause Failure Analysis
MOBLEY, R. K. (1999). Vibration Fundamentals
MOBLEY, R. K. (2002). An Introduction to Predictive Maintenance (2nd ed.)
MOBLEY, R. K. (2003). Plant Engineering Handbook
MOMBER, A. W. (2002). Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures
MURAKAMI, Y. (2002). Metal Fatigue - Effects of Small Defects and Nonmetallic Inclusions
NEALE, M. J. (1995). The Tribology Handbook (2nd ed.)
OAKLAND, J. S. (2003). Statistical Process Control (5th ed.)
OHRING, M. (1991). The Materials Science of Thin Films
PACEJKA, H. B. (2002). Tyre Mechanics and Vehicle Dynamics
PAIDOUSSIS, M. P. (1998). Fluid-Structure Interactions - Slender Structures and Axial Flow (vol. 1)
POPE, J. E. (1996). Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers
RAWSON, K. J. (2001). Basic Ship Theory (5th ed.) (2 vols.)
REIMPELL, J. (2001). The Automotive Chassis - Engineering Principles (2nd ed.)
RIBBENS, W. B. (1997). Understanding Automotive Electronics (5th ed.)
RIDLEY, J. (2002). Safety at Work (6th ed.)
ROSATO, D. V. (2003). Plastics Engineered Product Design
SANDLER, B.-Z. (1999). Robotics - Designing the Mechanisms for Automated Machinery (2nd ed.)
SCHNEEKLUTH, H. (1998). Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy (2nd ed.)
SIDERIS, M. (1998). Methods for Monitoring and Diagnosing the Efficiency of Catalytic Converters
SMALLMAN, R. E. (1999). Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering - Science, Process, Application
SMITH, D. J. (2001). Reliability, Maintainability and Risk - Practical Methods for Engineers (6th ed.)
SMITH, E. H. (1994). Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book (12th ed.)
STACHOWIAK, G. W. (2000). Engineering Tribology (2nd ed.)
STOLARSKI, T. A. (1990). Tribology in Machine Design
TANAKA, K. (1999). The Science and Technology of Carbon Nanotubes
TAYLOR, D. A. (1996). Introduction to Marine Engineering (2nd ed.)
TETLEY, L. (2001). Electronic Navigation Systems (3rd ed.)
TONG, L. (2002). 3D Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
TROTT, A. R. (2000). Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (3rd ed.)
TUPPER, E. C. (1996). Introduction to Naval Architecture (3rd ed.)
VASILIEV, V. V. (2001). Mechanics and Analysis of Composite Materials
WATSON, D. G. M. (1998). Practical Ship Design
WILLMOTT, P. (2001). TPM - A Route to World-Class Performance
WOODYARD, D. F. (2004). Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines (8th ed.)
WU, Y.-S. (2001). Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (vol. 1)
YASUDA, E. (2003). Carbon Alloys - Novel Concepts to Develop Carbon Science and Technology
YUN, L. (2000). Theory and Design of Air Cushion Craft
ZIENKIEWICZ, O. C. (2000). The Finite Element Method (5th ed.) (3 vols.)